Sunday, January 25, 2009

In The Back Seat of a '65 Chevy

There is nothing like an old car to give you an itch in the creative part of your brain, a cool old car makes you feel so far to dorky you arrived back at cool. It’s like watching your favorite old scratchy movie. I love it.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Just Cuz My Photoshop is fixed

I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.
Thomas A. Edison

Memory lane today

I laughed to my self today, and wondered how many little boys discover the same way to play “cowboys” with their horses and shot glasses full of grape juice? It instantly made me picture Trevor and Kevin in their little black hats sitting at Grandma’s parlor table, finding their own “guy” way to have fun with all the girls swarming around. They couldn’t have been much older than this.

Friday, January 23, 2009

My Truck, now WHAT!!!

I got my truck towed out of the ice patch it was stuck in, but a bit too late. Some one had already had their fun breaking the windows, mirrors, smashing in the door and stole my tail lights and umbrella. A friend told me today “when it rains it pours” I replied with “well then, can I borrow your umbrella? Mine got stolen.” My dad went with me armed with chocolate (how did he know I would need it) He was not happy. This was the first nice truck he bought, maybe ever. I bought it from him a year ago. I think it upset him as much as it did me to see it in such a way. Why would you do that to someone? Did they stop to think what my life is like? Who I am? How much this would cost me? How much I love my truck? I don’t understand? Good thing I detailed my truck last week.

Oh yeah, can you loan me an umbrella? Looks like we may be in for bad weather for some time.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Red Shoes

These are my favorite shoes in the whole world. The ones I would ware every day if it wouldn’t make me seem too odd. First; because they are comfortable; second because they are red which makes them the best. I have donned them with dresses both too dressy for them and not enough, my jeans and shorts, to the zoo and the county fair for Cole’s first carousel ride. Monday night they even walked me a few miles home after my truck got stuck in the snow. Dorothy had a pair much the same (only I have my doubts about how comfortable those could have been) but they took her home just the same. These will get me to where ever home is going to be too, and me and my shoes will have many more adventures with each other. We just are going to have to do more work than clicking our heels. Home is not only where the heart is, it’s where your favorite shoes are on the floor most, right?

Sunday, January 18, 2009


This whole year or more has been a blur. A blur of exhaustion, over time, dashed hopes and lost job opportunities for both Jason and I. It has been like rock climbing until you realize the rock you are using as a hand hold, isn’t attached to anything.
There is so much comfort in familiarity; we are talking about loosing all familiarity. I have two options; try to keep what we have and loose even more time with my son and it still may not be enough in the long run, or give up everything we have and try to make it better in the future? Hmmmmmmm…. But it is still scary, sad and feels like a defeating waste. I want to scream, break down, QUIT! But I can’t.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jason and Buddy B. went hunting last week, so we will have a good amount of meat in the fridge for a while. Love duck! Jason got his limit!